
how many prime numbers are between the numbers 1 and 50?

a person orders an 8 sliced pizza with 2 slices with anchovies, 2 slices with pepperoni, and 2 slices plain. The customer says that the sequence of the slices with the toppings does not matter. What kind of pizza is the customer ordering?

a person is asked to order two types of dogs, pink and blue dogs. the customer does not specify how many dogs they want though, and the person orders 5 pink dogs and 1 blue dog. the customer is very mad because they forgot to specify one thing in their combination order. what type of combination order did the customer want?

a combination lock is called a combination lock, but is it really a combination lock?

if a person ordes a mosaic with a specific pattern for the tiles but does not allow for repetition of colors, what kind of mosaic is the customer asking for?

Which of the following numbers is NOT a prime number?